How to Position Yourself For A Motocross Start And FUNNY GAGS
Races can be won and lost on the start. Motocross expert, Ricky Carmichael said that a good start can assure you a win race if you can handle the pressure. Starts have been divided into two sections, concrete and dirt starts. Concrete starts are usually used by amateur riders and they require a slighlty
different technique than dirt. The first thing you should know about concrete starts is that the floor must be clean. You must do a small burnout just top clean the knobs on the rear wheeel. Once the 30 second board is up, position yourself and be ready to act. Both feets should be down and your weight should be on the back seat. Your face should be facing the starting gate and your elbows should be up. Once the 5 second board is up, grab the clutch and shift to gear one. Slowly release the clutch and when the bike starts moving, hold the front brake. Once the gate drops, release the clutch and dont accelerate to the fullest until you reach the dirt.
Dirt starts are quite different and hard to get used to. Prepare the surface where your rear wheel will be driving out of the gate. Kick some dirt into the rut left from previous starts and press it down. This will give you a harder and smoother surface. The only real difference from concrete starts is to have your weight forward on the bike and to pick a lower gear because there will be a lot more traction as the gate drops.
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